
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Christmas Tree Skirt

 About 10 years ago I decided that I would make a christmas tree skirt for me and Conan's tree. This was before we had any kids. I was extremely cheap (seeing as we both were in school) and so I used some linen fabric that I got from my mother in law. It worked great. Later that year I was reading a Family Fun magazine in the dr.s office and saw this cute idea of putting your kids hand prints on the christmas tree skirt every year. I was so excited because usually I see these great ideas and my kids are too old or it would not work. I gave birth to Thing #1 later that year and guess what I did at Christmas? Yep, we put his handprint on the christmas tree skirt. And we have been doing this for nine years now, and the kids love it and look forward to it every year. They love to put their hands on past years and see how much they have grown. And in 20 years when all my kids are grown it will be something that I have to remember them when they were little.

But the reason I am posting now, when I made it 10 years ago, is because over at Ucreate for her monthly create with me she is doing a ruffled christmas tree skirt. I had been wanted to add an edge of some sort to my skirt and this was perfect. So I took my coupon to JoAnn's and found some fabric that matched the colors of paint that I had used for the kids handprints and made my ruffle.
Now, I am not that good at ruffles. I used to sew frilly little girl dresses for a living and they had a ruffler machine that did it for you. What I would give to have that for this project, it would have cut the time down dramatically. But I learned a few things and I think that 'if' I do ruffles again it will go much smoother. I am contemplating tea dying the actual skirt part so that it matches the cream of the ruffle, but Conan says to just leave it and it 5 years it will be that color anyway from the kids touching it and playing with it each year.

Linking up to:
Somedaycrafts - whatevergoes Wednesday

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