
Friday, December 17, 2010

Great Neighbor Gifts

Last week you all saw my fun teacher gifts, well today I have my neighbor and friend gifts to share with you. I have a few that are practical and a few that are just fun.It is also the first day of Christmas break, so it is a good thing I got these done already, because I am not sure what else will get done before Christmas.

First off we have the practical gift, I got this idea from a neighbor I had growing up. They always gave great gifts that had cute sayings. I have 2 of these because, well one windshield washer fluid was one sale at ACE this summer and lets just say I have a lot of it. And when I was trying to remember the saying to go with it I was talking to my mom and she came up with another one before we remembered the first saying. 
One reads:
Twinkle, Twinkle, Sparkle Shine,
See more clearly this Christmas time.
And the other one reads:
We wash you a Merry Christmas and a Shiny New Year.

I am giving these little boxes to my friends. It is simple and easy and everyone loves them. I got the box from the Wild Flower Patch. I bought the SVG file and let me cricut do all the cutting for me! I then filled it with little Snickers bars.
They read. Don't Snicker, at least you got something.

For my neighbors who have a lot of kids, my sister gave me this idea last year and I loved it. I made this with a Styrofoam star ornament that I cut into the bottom so that I could stick a dowel rod into it. It reminds me of a wand, but it works for families with girls.
It reads:
Here's a magical Christmas Star
with a tradition old and true
may it bring you warmth and love
not only at Christmas, but all year through too
now every day till the new year
find someone in your home,
and secretly do a deed of love
so your identity won't be known.
and when the secret act is done,
place the star upon their bed.
they in turn do a secret deed
for another, it is said.
And like the star so long ago
lit the sky for all to see,
may this star bring light and joy
to your wonderful family.

Lastly, I have a gift for my friends that can take a good laugh. I am sure you have all seen those cookies in a jar recipes where all the dry ingredients are layered. I used the one for cowboy cookies. 
The saying reads: Poinsettias are red, Candy is sweet, I'm really stressed out, so make you own dang treat.

This one was one of my favorites, and I have already given it to one of my friends who just loved it.

Of course we have the traditional plate  of goodies to give out as well.

Hopefully this will inspire you as you are planning your gifts this year.

Linking up to: Somewhat Simple, House of Hepworths, Shabby Chic Cottage, Finding Fabulous, Creation Corner. Tidy Mom, Tatertots And Jello, craft-o-maniac, Skip to my Lou, Keeping it simple. Someday Crafts, Sugar and Dots.


  1. I love these! I would never have thought of windshield washer fluid, but you are right, itis such a practical gift, it's something we all need but rarely think about... And I love the cute little sayings on all them.

  2. I LOVE these ideas!! Making a note now to remember in the years to come.

  3. LOVE the cookies in a jar! Too funny!!

  4. Fun, creative ideas!

    Come enter for a free paper bead necklace from Heart Strings for Orphans!

  5. Hello! I found you at Keeping It Simple and I am loving your blog! I wanted to invite you to enter my $50 American Express giveaway and my link party that are both going on this week! Keep up the great blogging and happy holidays! -Dana

  6. Wow. Great gifts and not useless ones either.
