
Friday, January 21, 2011

Fantastic Friday #3

Can you believe that it is Friday already. I have a love/hate relationship with short weeks, I love that their is a holiday and Conan usually gets the day off and we have a long weekend, but then I hate how quick the week goes by. Oh well, what am I going to do. Anyway, last week we had 21 Fantastic Creations shared! I was super excited about all of them. But I chose to feature this beautiful bag this week:

Crafty Girls Workshop made this and I just love it. You already know that I am a sucker for flowers, but I love bags almost as much. I was talking about making one the other day and Conan asked why I needed another bag. I told him that I did not need one, but it would be fun to make. He just laughed. But I just look at this bag and wish that I had something that elegant when I was carting a diaper bag around. Who am I kidding, I still cart a diaper bag around! I could go on and on about how much I love this, but I don't want to totally bore you.

So, grab a button to let everyone know that you have been featured here!

Iron Violet Designs

Now onto our party for this week. Let's see what you all have been up to this week, and link your FANTASTIC creations up!

*must link to a blog post, not your home page, another linky party, etsy shop or giveaway.
*link back to this post so that others can join in on the fun. Grab a button or do a text link.
*visit a few of the links and leave comments! Comments are like warm fuzzies, they make everyone feel good and everyone likes them.
*become a follower of Iron Violet Designs. You know you want to do this, and heavens knows it makes me feel good! ;)
Iron Violet Designs

Let's get started:


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog - and for the invite!
    I tried to respond to you through email, but you havn't linked up your email address through blogger - might want to think about doing that, it just makes getting responses so much easier:)
    Great stuff on your blog, thanks again!
    Lindsay @ Diary of a Crafty Lady

  2. Thanks for hosting the party. I've been following for a couple of weeks, would love you to check out my blog:

  3. Hi Jen....

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and sharing your party...

    Have a great weekend...

    Take care,

  4. Hi Jen, thanks for stopping by my blog and your nice comment! Happy Friday!

  5. Thanks your for inviting me to your meme part! You are too sweet :D

  6. Thank you for featuring my bag! I was out of town all weekend, and just now had a minute to steal at my computer! What a nice surprise!
