
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Fantastic Friday #5

It has been a cold and snowy week here, and the kids have been home from school most of the week so it has been crazy as well. But it is Friday and time to show off what you have all been doing this week. Last week we had 30 Fantastic new ideas! I loved looking through all of them, and I chose to feature this lovely jewelry display made by Kensington Cottage.

So, grab a button to let everyone know that you have been featured here!

Iron Violet Designs

Now onto our party for this week. Let's see what you all have been up to this week, and link your FANTASTIC creations up!

*must link to a blog post, not your home page, another linky party, etsy shop or giveaway.
*link back to this post so that others can join in on the fun. Grab a button or do a text link either one is fine with me.
*visit a few of the links and leave comments! I enjoy comments because it makes me feel like someone is actually reading what I write! ;)
*become a follower of Iron Violet Designs. You know you want to do this, and heavens knows it makes me feel good! ;)
Iron Violet Designs

Let's get started:

1 comment:

  1. Just thought you might like to know that I've awarded you with....

    Check it out ~

    Jessica @
