
Saturday, February 19, 2011

I made it!!!

Have you all seen the contest One Month to Win it? Well yesterday they selected those who are to participate and I actually made it! I was so blown away - there is some serious talent out there. Now I have to come up with a project for this next week! I am a little bit nervous, but at the same times excited. I entered my fantastic flower pillow.

You should all head over there and become a follower of One Month to Win it, that way you can stay caught up on everything and be sure to vote when the projects are posted. Of course I will also remind you on here when it is time to go and vote, because I am nice that way. ;) Have a great weekend!


  1. Congrats to you! I am a follower here and over there so I will be rooting for you Good luck!

  2. I've never heard of this. Thanks for building awareness. I'm a new follower so I can check it out.

  3. Just wanted to say congrats! I too was blown away when I found out I made it. Your work is beautiful, good luck. Stop by sometime,
