
Monday, March 7, 2011


 Can I just say that avocados are probably one of my most favorite things to eat. Yes they are high in fat, but that it what makes them taste so good. We used to live in Florida and had an avocado tree in our backyard - that right there was seriously the best!
With this warm weather starting to creep up on us - I say creep because it keeps getting cold again here - I was in the mood for a little guacamole the other day, and so I picked up some avocados at the store. However, they had to sit on my counter for a few days before they were ready to make anything with. So last night for dinner I had guacamole. And it was divine! It is very easy to make and customize to your liking.

2 avocados
2 tomatoes
garlic powder
onion powder
pinch of basil
lemon juice

Smash up you avocados and add your seasoning. I really do not measure, but you could say I add about 1 Tbsp of each seasoning. I then taste it and add a little more of what I feel it is lacking. You are probably saying to yourself 'man she really sucks at giving good recipe directions' but hey this is how I cook. You probably only want 1 tsp of lemon juice, because you do not want it to over power the other flavors.
 You could leave yours plain like this and enjoy, but for some reason I just love tomatoes in mine. So I add them and last night I fried my own chips from tortillas - in olive oil of course then it is healthy right?! :) And it was super good!
There you have a simple side dish - or dinner in my case since Conan had to work last night - that everyone is sure to love!

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