
Friday, April 1, 2011

Fantastic Friday #13

This has been quite the week. I do not have anyone to feature this week, because I have not had time to look through all of the links yet. Between having family here at the beginning of the week, to cleaning up after they all left and then yesterday my baby started throwing up and going through diapers every hour, Thing #4 started complaining of his ear hurting five minutes after the dr.s office closed and then was up half the night. And this morning it just seems to be adding onto that. But I will hopefully be able to look through the rest of them today and have something up for you tomorrow.

But enough of my complaining, lets get on with the link party!

*link up anything that you have made - sewn, cooked, crafted, etc. family friendly of course.
*must link to a blog post, not your home page, another linky party, etsy shop or giveaway.
*link back to this post so that others can join in on the fun. Grab a button or do a text link either one is fine with me.
*visit a few of the links and leave comments! I enjoy comments because it makes me feel like someone is actually reading what I write! ;)
*become a follower of Iron Violet Designs, that way you can stay updated of all my fun and exciting posts!
Iron Violet Designs

Let's get started:


  1. Thanks for hosting! I follow via Google Reader!

    Come follow me at



  2. I hope your week gets better! Thanks for doing this even with such a hard few days
