
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Yo-Yo Flowers

I did it, I finally found the time to sit down and sew the binding onto this beautiful yo-yo flowers quilt. The weather has been so nice here, I have been working outside in the yard and taking the kids to the park more. But I just sat down and did it! And I just love the way that it turned out!
I am branching out in my quilting skills. On this one I thought that it would look nice if I did just squiggly lines between the stems and them a loop all over pattern around the flowers. Then I just did a regular all over pattern on the borders. You can kind of see it in this photo here - look on the red, that is where it stands out.

 I love the look these flowers give it. I found a bunch of large buttons on clearance at Archivers and they were perfect for this quilt!
 Now I can curl up in it today because the weather has changed to cold again! But then I am thinking that with this one it would look great hung on the wall. We will see what really happens with this.
You think after all of these quilts that I have made, I would be a pro at binding. But I still struggle with getting those corners just right. But I am not going to point out to you where I don't like it!

 I love, love, love it! It is so beautiful! And this puts me at 4 quilts finished this year! 2 more to go and I have reached my goal!

Don't forget to go and enter my giveaway for some free fabric here!


  1. What a cute idea!


  2. Beautiful quilt. Love the yo-yo flowers and buttons. I need to learn how to make these yo-yo doo-dads!

  3. Wow, this is beautiful! love the yo yo flowers!!!

  4. Love it. Thanks so much for linking up! Can't wait to see what you have for this week.
