
Monday, August 27, 2012

2012-13 Homeschool Curriculum

Due to numerous factors I have decided that I am going to homeschool my kids this year. This is not small undertaking and I have been planning and researching forever. Today I thought I would take a moment and share what I am doing this year for my kids in school. I learn so much from reading what other people are teaching and using. Maybe I will be able to help you out in your curriculum choices. This year I am teaching 6th, 4th, 2nd grades and Kindergarten. I will also post what I think about each of my choices as we move further along in the school year - we started a couple of weeks ago so as to allow more breaks for mom throughout the year!

For my 6th grader we are doing the following:
We have moved around a lot and so I am teaching some things at a 5th grade level to just make sure he knows his stuff. I have found that there are some things he learned and some he did not. We will see if this is a good move or bad move on my part!
Math - Saxon 7/6 -
English - Following the Plan 5
Writing - Writing with ease
Spelling - Spelling Power - so far I love this program!
Handwriting - Handwriting without tears - cursive review.
History - Story of the World volume 2
Science - Scientific America bring science home experiments
Music - piano lessons
Art - Usborne Art Treasury and lessons

4th Grade:
I moved down a level in English here because I found that she just did not know the stuff from previous years.
Math - Saxon 5/6
English - First Language Lessons level 3
Writing - Writing with ease level 3
Spelling - Spelling Power
Handwriting - handwriting without tears - beginning cursive
History - Story of the World volume 2
Science - Scientific America bring science home experiments
Music - piano lessons
 Art - Usborne Art Treasury and lessons

2nd Grade:
This kid is mine is a little bit of an overachiever, and so we are doing some double lessons because he wants to get ahead. I just love that!
Math - Saxon grade 2
English - First Language Lessons
Spelling - Spelling Power
Writing - Writing with Ease
History - Story of the World volume 2
Science - Scientific America bring science home experiments
Music - piano lessons
Art - Usborne Art Treasury and lessons

Math - Saxon math K
English - Sing, Spell, Read and Write. I have used this with two of my other kids and loved it. But he is getting a little bored with the cutting and gluing so we usually skip those pages - ah the joy of being able to custom fit our education!
Writing - I have him draw a picture of something he has done recently or likes and then write about it. He really has trouble with the writing part, and I am trying to get the older kids to just let him do it and not tell him how everything is spelled.
For History, Science and Art he does the same as the other kids but a simpler version.
Music - he is not doing anything right now, but will start piano lessons when he is in first grade.

You might have noticed that I am teaching the kids all the same thing for History, Science and Art. This is just to make my life easier. I am already teaching enough other lessons that I think it it fine to do a bunch together. I do make my 6th and 4th grader do more in depth study with these sort of things.I also do not have a set thing for PE, I think it is important for kids to just get out and play and ride bikes and so I just make them play for a certain amount of time outside. My kids do not do any sports because we live so far out from town, but we try to play a few every now and then in the evenings with the neighbors.

We don't really have a set schedule, but they just have to be started by 9 o'clock. They are not allowed outside to play until school is done. Somedays are longer than others, but I am trying to help them to prioritize and be self starters. We currently do school Monday through Friday, but we do take every other Friday off - or another day of the week if Conan is off.

I am writing this more for me, to help keep me accountable. I will post how I liked certain things for certain grade levels throughout the year as I get more experienced with them. I wish you all the best of luck in the next school year!

1 comment:

  1. Here's a beginning writing trick our first grade teacher has used. If you don't know how to spell the word, try and circle it and she will correct it. It helped them get going without her having to always spell out a ton of things.
