
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Homemade Laundry Soap Review

I don't know about all of you, but I have jumped on the 'make your own laundry soap' bandwagon thanks to pinterest. We do a lot of laundry around here, but I have noticed that it is getting better now that Thing #1 and Thing #2 are now doing their own laundry. I think the seeing how many loads it takes for just their clothes makes them not just toss everything into the laundry. It is kind of nice.

I have done it before, but then I got lazy and well I am sure you all know how that goes.

But I decided that I would make it again. I followed this recipe for liquid soap. She gives great instructions and it was super easy. The kids even helped me measure all of the water. I know there are a bunch of different recipes out there but they are all about the same. I am also a little bit partial to Fels Naptha soap because it was what my mom used growing up for stains.

I also made some dry soap because I wanted to try it as well, and now I use it as an extra when the clothes are extra dirty - so it pretty much all the boys loads this summer! I just used 2 C borax, 2 C super washing soda and 1 bar grated Fels Naptha Soap. Mix together and your done. And I had this awesome container to keep it in. I used this container when I had babies and was making baby wipes - yes I was that mom. But in my defense it was the only thing we could afford when we had our first and it was just one of those things that stuck. Anyway we decorated it with all those stickers from the dr.s office.

I do add some of these to every load just to help it smell good. It is not that it smells bad, but more of there is just no scent. And I like my clothes to have a little something smell so that I know they got washed.

I will let you know how long it lasts. My last time I made this it lasted 4 months. So we will see this go around - now that it is summer we seem to have a little bit more laundry floating around.But it is a great deal!

Oh and I also found this miracle whitening recipe here. I have noticed that my whites are a little dingy - I even used oxy clean, but this is fabulous! My whites were uber white!! And I washed one of Conan's old shirts that was a little yellowish (thanks to a few years on well water) and guess what . . . white again! I have decided to just wash my whites like this every couple of months.

Have you tried this yet and what do you think? I am really curious about what others do and work works best for this laundry soap business.

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