
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Quilt Along Weekly Check-in

This is the progress post of my Quilt Along I am participating in. Happy Quilting is hosting a great quilt along with some great prizes - I am keeping my fingers crossed that I win one!

But here are my surrounding pieces for my stars. I had this all done and came up with two extra background pieces - I am chalking it up to miss counting when I was cutting! But it did make me wonder for a bit!
And school starts tomorrow for us! I should have a clean house and lots of sewing done - hahaha!

But my counter looks like this right now:

Backpacks packed and the rest of the supplies in bags for them to carry, ready for our 7:15 am bus pick up tomorrow. Even my littlest who is not is school packed his backpack with a workbook, scissors and a bottle of glue! Here is to them having a great time, but I will sure miss having them around and all of the help they give me!



  1. Your pieces all look great. Funny that you had a few extra pieces, but I guess extra is better than not enough :)

    1. Thanks Melissa, I agree extra is always better then not enough!
