
Friday, September 27, 2013

Row Organization for Quilts

Do you ever have one of those weeks where you are just waiting for the weekend so that you can relax and not have so much going on? That was me for the last half of this week. The first two days were great, but then everything snuck up on me and now it is Friday!! Finally, and it is Homecoming here in this tiny little town and to go along with this there is a parade in town for the elementary kids - so I am going to watch my kids in a parade this afternoon!

Anyway, enough about my crazy life, today I have something great for you.

When I was visiting or talking with my sister she shared this technique with me about how she keeps her rows in order while she sews them together. This way you do not sew them onto the wrong side or worse.

After she has each row sewn together she marks them with pins indicating which row it is. For example row one gets one pin and row two gets two pins and so on. Here we have row one:

I don't know about you but something usually happens between me picking up my rows off the floor and getting them to my machine that has me questioning whether they are in the right order or not. However, I tried this technique and it was great!! No more questioning and unpicking when I realize my mistake!!

Here is row two:
Can it get any simpler than this? I was sort of having a duh, why didn't I think of  that when she told me about this!

Super simple and easy, right?! Row three:

And I will spare you pictures of all of my rows for this quilt, but here is one more to make row four:
Now that my quilt top is all sewn together with no mistakes I am off to bundle up for this parade, because it is already getting cold here!


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