
Monday, January 6, 2014

January Goals

I am a goal setter, list maker type of person. I love the beginning of the year when we think about what we want to accomplish this year. I have some attainable goals and some pretty lofty ones this year. I decided to share them with you to help me keep accountable. But I have broken some of them up into monthly goals - cause then the time frame is so close, it makes me want to get them done!

1. I have plans to finish this quilt. The top is done, and I just bought the backing this week. So my plan is to get it all quilted up before the end of January. This one I am sure will get done because my boy keeps asking me when I am going to do it!
2. I want to get my Kaleidoscope quilt top sewn together.  I have all the blocks done and trimmed just need to sew them together. I hope to have this done by the end of January.
3. Another January goal is to finish my Sugar Snow quilt from my new Vintage Quilt Revival Book. I have most of the star blocks done, but I need to get some more backing fabric. I am doing a post about them later this week. You've probably seen photos of these on Instagram.
4. This last one is a year goal. I having been saving all the money that I get from doing alterations and other sewing for people to get a long arm quilting machine. I have quite a bit saved up, but still have a long way to go! But I want to get better at my machine quilting. I got these books for my birthday and christmas this year, I have been practicing on my home machine for now.
5. I want to make more quilt for others this year. I have plans for a wedding quilt for my sister and if I can a baby quilt for another sister.

These are my goals for January and the year as far as sewing goes. I have some other personal ones like eating better, and spending more time with my family.

What are your big plans for the month or for the year? Anything great you want to accomplish?


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